Chiropractic Adjustments

The History of Chiropractic Medicine
The art, science and philosophy of chiropractic medicine has been around since 1895, when D.D. Palmer gave the first chiropractic adjustment to Harvey Lillard. As legend has it, Mr. Lillard’s hearing was fully restored following the adjustment. Following this the Palmer College of Chiropractic was the first chiropractic college to teach methods of adjusting the spine to help restore people back to health. Since then chiropractic has flourished as a profession where today chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession behind allopathic medicine and dentistry. There are over 20 accredited chiropractic college programs teaching more than 4500 hours of study of the human body, diagnosis, clinical decision making and treatment.
Chiropractor and Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractors are the largest profession treating issues related to the musculoskeletal system. The chiropractic adjustment is the number one modality of treatment along with other physical medicine modalities to help alleviate the patient from pain and restore health. Adjustment of the spine (spinal manipulation) requires hours of training and should not be performed by someone who does not possess the training. Chiropractors are the “specialist” in spinal adjustment as well as extremity manipulation and deliver 95% of all the spinal manipulations performed in the United States.

What Chiropractic Treatment Is For
Chiropractic treatments have been proven effective for conditions such as lower back pain, middle back pain, neck pain, headaches, jaw pain, rib pain, sciatic pain associated with lower back pain and much more. Over 40 million Americans utilize chiropractic annually and the numbers keep growing. Chiropractors have specialties in Sports medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Internal medicine, Orthopedics and there are some chiropractic doctors dually certified in chiropractic and acupuncture.
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Chiropractic Adjustment Steps

2. Get Adjusted
Based on your circumstances, a specific treatment plan will be implemented to correct your spine.