Eliminating Headaches

Eliminating the Triggers for Headaches Chiropractic Care: Only chiropractic care can help to eliminate the cause of most chronic headaches by releasing the interference in the upper cervical spine that cause tension, vascular and migraine headaches. Even if you’ve already tried manipulation by another chiropractor or osteopathic physician, specific analysis and adjustments of the upper…

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A Look at Repetitive Strain Injuries Repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s), have come to be known as the occupational disease of the Millennium. Even though many of us have never even heard of a repetitive strain injury, they account for up to 60% of workplace illnesses. It has also been estimated that RSI’s will cost American…

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Effects of Stress & Diet

Stress is one of the most common causes of disease and premature breakdown of the body. Stress weakens our immune system and makes us more susceptible to disease. However, stress can also strengthen our bodies and help us respond to the challenges of life. The key is balance. Unfortunately, most of us never get there.…

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