Dr. Kevan Kruse - Chiropractor in Brandon FL
Dr. Kevan Kruse, B.S., D.C.
Dr. Kevan Kruse is a licensed Chiropractor serving the Brandon community.
Dr. Kruse has been freeing people from pain in his clinic in Brandon, FL. As a Chiropractor since 1992, he is committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of his patients.
A “whole person approach” is used with each patient. This approach to wellness means looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Kruse is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.
Dr. Timothy Jay, B.S., D.C.
Dr. Jay is a chiropractic physician with 22 years of experience. He holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a Bachelor of Biology degree from Logan University. Additionally, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology from the University of South Florida and graduated with honors from Jesuit High School in Tampa.
Dr. Jay employs a comprehensive and neurological approach to patient care, ensuring an individualized assessment of each patient's health concerns. He believes proper health extends beyond the absence of symptoms, striving instead to optimize daily life at work and play. His goal is to rejuvenate and maintain each patient’s overall health and wellness.
Dr. Jay integrates neurological and orthopedic testing with functional assessments to tailor each patient's most effective plan of care. His approach combines physical medicine, lifestyle modifications, and a variety of treatment options, equipping patients with the tools they need to maximize their health outcomes.
Dr. Jay is at the Brandon office on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Absolute Wellness Centers
641 W Lumsden Rd
Brandon, FL 33511
Call: (813) 654-5413
Fax: (813) 643-1457
Doctor’s Hours
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – noon; 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
- Dr. Kruse Typical Days - Mon, Wed, Sat
- Dr. Jay Typical Days - Tues, Thurs, Fri
General Office Hours & Therapy Appointments
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Massage Registration Number - MM17275

The Secret To My Success
While I cannot be so presumptuous to think most will view my life as a success, I also feel it would be deceptive to let people give me the credit when the credit is not mine. Like many of us, I could never have accomplished most of what I have without my parents’ guidance. The most important thing they ever taught me is that the purpose of life is to have a relationship with God through His son Jesus. When you get this priority right, all other successes will follow. (Matt 6:33) My father always said that God doesn’t have grandchildren, only children. So, while I hope my own experiences will help you find God, remember no one can have a relationship with God for you.
My journey toward a relationship with God began with the question, were my parents, right? Like most teenagers, I had a lot of questions about life and God. One question I remember asking myself was, what is the worst mistake I could make with regard to God? What if there is no God? What if I play the fool by believing in God when there is none? Am I worse off than those who do not believe? On the other hand, what if I go through my life pretending there is no God when there really is a God who has expectations of me. What happens then? I also came to the conclusion that if there is no God, then there is no purpose to life. If there is no God, then there is no good or evil and nothing anyone does really matters. There is no future for any of us because we are all just random particles that have collided in such a way as to somehow become conscious of ourselves. Because of how inescapable these conclusions were for me, I decided that searching for God was my only hope!
Now I am not going to say that power, possessions, money, sex, fame, fine wine or having an elevated social status does not appeal to me. But when I compare them to the kind of love, loyalty, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, peace, giving and abundance offered to everyone in Gods’ kingdom, the latter just seem to be on an altogether higher plane. These ideals “make me want to be a better man,” where the former just seem to spell out the obvious inclinations of all human beings including mine. Nowhere was this principle made clearer to me than after attending my 20th high school reunion. In fact, the story I will be telling my son goes exactly like the story my father told me. The choices I made during high school that left me on the outside looking in on one too many parties or social circles were the right ones by a mile!! Do not be fooled. The popular crowd, the media and the latest trends are not your friends and they are not looking out for your best interests. God is and He knows what is best!
Another thing I struggled with is that modern scientists and evolutionists are at odds with God. Even I have to admit that none of my five senses can detect the presence or absence of God. It is also disconcerting that no one can prove or disprove the presence of God no matter what they say. Later on, I realized that proving God through my limited senses was more about my own control issues than about any real search to know God. I was a “doubting Thomas” because I hated the idea that faith was necessary. At least until I found out that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) There is a substance to faith and there are evidences for faith even though the One in whom we have faith in is completely unseen. The bible says that the only way to find faith is by asking, seeking and knocking on doors. (Matt 7:7)
If you are going to ask the right questions and look in the right places, then you have to be willing to look for more than just what is offered in the world of science. However, one scientist I know found God by asking the following question. “If there is a God, what can we tell about Him by what He has created?” This is what he discovered. First of all, human beings are hands down the most sophisticated things within the creation. What is it that makes humans so different than any of the other creations? The answer is the capacity of the word. Human beings use 100’s to 1000’s of times more words than any other animal. Words are used primarily for communication and we communicate in order to have relationships. In other words, you are the crowning achievement of what God has created and you have a capacity to have relationship with God like nothing else He has created. How can any of us have a relationship with God? We can’t even find Him or prove that He exists. The only way we will know there is a God is if God chooses to reveal himself to the world. The invisible God must make himself visible if we are ever to get to know Him. We also know that we cannot have a relationship with God unless we can find His words.
After studying the worlds’ major religions for a revelation from God this is some of what I have discovered. Buddhism has never claimed to be a way to God. Buddhism is a life philosophy and one I have difficulty accepting. For example, the Yin / Yang principle that says there is no good or evil only the appearance thereof. I am sorry, but there are more than a few times in my life when things have certainly been more than just an appearance of good or evil. On the other hand, Hinduism has tens of thousands of gods. Hindu gods are so caught up in their own soap opera that there is no reason to think that they are interested in a relationship with their creation.
Incredibly, there are only three religions that believe in one singular God that is interested in His creation, and those would be the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. The Koran, the holy book of the Muslims, was inspired entirely by one man, Mohammed. Incidentally, Mohammed did not read or write and the Koran was actually written over 500 years after his death. Most importantly, no place in the Quran does it ever claim to be the words of God spoken in first person. Nor does Allah ever express a desire to have a personal relationship with his creation. Islam also says we are nothing like Allah because we were not created in his image. Then there comes the person of Mohammed, who is the father of Islam. Unfortunately, I do not find the life of Mohammed one I can emulate.
Unfortunately, today being Jewish is really more about your ancestral decent than having any real faith. However, the only real difference between the faith of Christianity and Judaism is that Christians believe Jesus is the messiah, while the Jews are still looking for Him. These two faiths are intractably bound together so much so that they are commonly referred to as the Judeo-Christian ethic, which is the foundation of our society. For both faiths, the primary source of revelation and inspiration is the Holy Bible. What surprised me is that the Bible is the only Holy book that claims to be the words of God spoken in first person. Over 40 different men wrote the cohesive message of the bible over a period of about 1600 years dating from 1500 BC to about 25-30 years after Christ. However, you only have to read the very first story in the Bible to hear that God loves His creation and how He walked and talked with Adam and Eve every day in the Garden of Eden. You will also hear how God created mankind in His perfect image and gave them an array of choices. Terrible choices have caused the fall of mankind and kept us separated from God. Every good relationship has rules and the closer the relationship, the more rules there must be. Breaking these rules is called sin and the penalty is separation from a Holy God. The good news is that even during the fall of mankind, the Bible talks about a Messiah that would come to save His people. God has always wanted to restore our relationship with Him so we can all walk and talk with Him once more.
The identity of that Messiah is Jesus. In fact, there are well over 100 Old Testament prophecies that were written between 400-1000 years before Jesus was born that prove He is the Messiah beyond a shadow of a doubt. The life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus are compelling beyond any other man in history. Then there is the passion of the cross and the brutality of Jesus’s death. However, none of the life of Jesus would be talked about today if the empty tomb of Jesus were not a historical fact. How you explain it is up to you. What must not be overlooked is that it was not just Jesus who actually changed the world. It was His disciples, which were the men that Jesus spent the most of His time with. If there was anyone who knew Jesus, it was those men because they were all eyewitnesses to His life and testament. All, except for two, died a horrible death for the cause of Christ. Lastly, if the certainty of death is the ultimate problem of mankind, then it is Jesus above all the other religious leaders that conquered the grave. In all of these matters Jesus stands alone in history and that is why we divide history before and after Christ. This is why I try to follow Jesus even though I am only partially successful.
The audacious claims of Jesus also set Him apart from every other religious leader in history. While most people regard Jesus to be a moral man, great teacher and perfect example of how we should live, we cannot forget that Jesus claimed to be God. The identity of the Messiah has long been foretold. He was to be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” No matter how many miracles or great sermons Jesus performed, the result is the same, Jesus died on the cross. Why did they kill Him? (John 10:33) The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy; and because you, being a man, make yourself out to be God.” This is why He healed on the Sabbath day, forgave peoples’ sin and spoke of God as “my Father” and not just “our Father.” Given the claims of Jesus, one is left with only a few options. Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic or He was Lord of all. The most foolish thing one can say about Jesus is that He was a great moral teacher if He was not telling us the truth or was confused about His own identity.
Another distinguishing feature of Christianity is that all other religions of the world are based on our own works to save ourselves. Christianity is based on what Jesus did. You cannot earn your salvation. It is a free gift and pride is the main reason people cannot accept the gift even if the gift came at great cost. What offends many non-Christians the most is that anyone would have to die for them. At some level, most other religions are simply an attempt for the subscriber to be good enough to have a relationship with God one day. Christianity claims that only God is good enough and powerful enough to deliver us from evil. Understanding this fundamental truth of the Christian faith also leads one to understand that all Christians are hypocrites! “There is no one righteous, no not even one.” (Psalms 14:3) We don’t become perfect after becoming a Christian. This is why we are not supposed to follow our leaders. We are supposed to follow Jesus.
Why didn’t God do all of this a different way? Why does God allow evil? Why doesn’t God just show his power instead of leaving us with doubt? The Bible says that life is a test. (Psalms 26:2) Why is God testing us? For myself, I think the answer came while listening to the radio one morning. The story was about how a multimillionaire was having trouble dating. Then he came up with a solution. He rented a small apartment and bought a Ford Taurus. From then on, he used the car and apartment for all of his dates. Why did he do that? The answer is obvious, because people will want you for the wrong reasons. If a millionaire has this problem, I can’t only imagine how bad it must be when you are the source of all that is good in the universe. One thing is certain, God will reveal himself in good time and when that happens “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.” (Rom 14:11) Seeing will be believing. Until then, the world God made has choices and because of that we will be tested. Some will choose evil and you may be their victim. Those are the most intense tests. Will you return evil upon them? This is where “what would Jesus do” is the only light you may see. “For though he was reviled, yet he opened not his mouth.” (Isa 53:7) So would you like to know your first test? What are you going to do with the gift of life you have been given? Will you or can you believe in a God you cannot see?
How can you begin this relationship with God? The simplest plan of salvation I can find in the bible actually happened while Jesus was hanging on the cross. (See Luke 23:39-43) The first criminal hanging beside Jesus scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself and us, too, while you’re at it!” Does that sound like something anyone might say? But the second criminal had a different response. “Don’t you even fear God when you are dying? We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but this man hasn’t done one thing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “Today you will be with me in Paradise. This is a solemn promise.” In this story there were three things that happened for this sinner to be saved. 1) The criminal recognized that Jesus was the Messiah and that Jesus did not deserve to be crucified. 2) He recognized that he was guilty and that he deserved what he was getting. 3) He called out to Jesus to save him. Immediately Jesus was there! In fact, the Bible claims, “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom 10:13) The day you call upon God is the day you start a love relationship with Him by putting Him in His rightful place as Lord or your life. This is the day your true faith is born and you become saved. From here, your relationship with God will never end and it will only grow as your faith produces works and you begin to change.
What are some realistic expectations of the Christian life? Reality #1: if you really have become a Christian, then you need to accept that real faith produces real changes in your life. Real faith is more than some mental consent, wishful thinking or fantasyland we enter by repeating some prayer just in case there is a fire. The second reality is this. While the changes in your life prove that your faith is not dead and that your faith has substance (James 2:26), at no point in time will you ever become perfect or become saved by your works (Phil 3:13, Eph 2:8). In fact, it may surprise you how many times I have re-prayed that same sinner’s prayer because I have completely blown it and have to start all over again. Confession will be a routine part of an honest Christian life. Confession is where God meets you where you are, forgives you and promises to walk alongside you as you try and try again. (1 John 1:9) There will be a lot of trying let me tell you. Sometimes the only substance you will have to your faith is that you keep on confessing and that you keep on trying. This is just reality, at least for now. It will take years for some victories to come, so you may as well relax. God is able to complete what He has started inside of you and He never stops working. (Phil 2:13)
Why is the church important to Christians? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources of encouragement and joy.
While I have spent quite some time explaining the substance of my faith, no intellectual arguments will ever take the place of God proving Himself to you. Of the pages and pages of personal experiences I have had with God, this story is one of my most intense. In my mid-thirties, I remember hitting the wall even though I was a Christian. Reaching the wall is coming to a place where you end and it is something you cannot see past. I was successful by most people’s standards, except my own. My life was empty and not at all where I wanted it to be. I was at the end of my rope. In desperation, I remember thinking that if I was truly lost, then I should try and go back to the last place I remember being in the center of God’s will. So, I took a few days off and went back to Atlanta where I went to professional school. Most significantly, Atlanta was where I lived at the Young Life house and was very involved in youth ministries. By now many of my core friends had moved on, but this was a trip I felt I had to make. I needed to rekindle some old relationships that inspired me, but most of all I needed a word from God that was fresh and true. I needed to trust God again because I was beaten down. On the way up to Atlanta, I was strongly impressed to climb a mountain and be alone with God for a day. After being there a few days, I headed off to climb the highest peak in Georgia. Unfortunately, just after I started climbing, I reached a sign that said the trail was closed. I cannot tell you the disappointment I felt at being denied a chance to get some answers from God. I felt like the trip was wasted.
On the long drive back to Atlanta, I realized I just had to climb another mountain instead. I decided that Stone Mountain would substitute nicely. The next day I grabbed my bible and started climbing the mountain. The farther I went up the mountain the heavier and sadder I became. When I hit the top of the mountain, I remember the wave of grief that came over me and the deep loss I felt from all that I had wanted my life to be. Sobbing I told God my beef with Him. That took a while. Then I closed my eyes and opened up my bible and put my finger down on a verse. (2 Kings 20:5&6) “This is what the LORD says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you; I will defend you; I will deliver you.” I knew these quotes well. This is what God told King Hezekiah when he was about to die, and so he cried out to the Lord for mercy. Hezekiah also asked God for a sign that this would come true. The sign was that the shadow of the sun would go backward ten steps. God rolled back time for Hezekiah and I immediately felt that would happen for me! I believe that this word from God is exactly why my life has turned around dramatically since then. It is a miracle and I am walking in it every day. I know it down deeper than anything I can ever explain!
In the end, my life has not been perfect. I still make mistakes every day. I still struggle with some very bad habits. I have had my heart broken and I have been betrayed. I have disappointed some and angered others. I have climbed some mountains and fallen into some valleys. Through all of this, Christ has made the difference in my life. All to Him I owe! Each time I have chosen to follow God the decision was hard, but the blessings have been amazing! When I do not follow God, God is still there letting me know He loves me even though there have been some difficult consequences because of my disobedience. When evil has overtaken me, He has healed my wounds and set courage back into my heart. I can truly love without fear because God has shown me that nothing can ultimately hurt me when my life is hidden in Him. I have learned to love myself even though I know exactly how imperfect I am. I am still learning to do the same for those around me. I have had many opportunities to minister to youth, singles and couples. I have seen first-hand the power of God to change people. I have never felt more excitement in my life than when I have been used by God. I have learned it is truly better to give than to receive. The greatest blessings I have ever received in my life are my two boys. Becoming a father has drastically altered my life. The day they were born, God changed me in an instant and gave me His supernatural love for both my sons. It is an unfathomable and unconditional love! As my life comes full circle, I understand Gods love for me and for you!
Herein lies the making of real faith, because there is real a substance to faith and evidence upon evidence of an unseen power resisting the pull of gravity. Where will Faith begin for you? Surrender! Surrender is what happened to me on the top of Stone Mountain even after I had been a Christian for a long time. This will be the first, middle and last thing you will struggle with in your walk with God because God does not just want to save you. He wants to make every area of your life more abundant. I hope my story will let you know you can trust God with your life, your death and everything in between. My life is proof that God gives second chances and that He can still bring sight to the blind and heal the broken hearted. Looking back over my life, the only worthwhile thing I see is Jesus and He has been good the whole time. Jesus is the pearl of great price that we look for our whole life. He alone holds the secret to your success.
The World is the Fields – Facebook – Cruzadas del Evangelio de Honduras
“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” – John 4:35
The World Is The Fields is a 5 fold ministry to Honduras, which is the second poorest country in our hemisphere, the murder capital of the world and scores quite prominently in the sex trade. This is because the country is primarily controlled by the drug cartels which leaving a wake broken lives in it’s paths. The World Is The Fields reaches out to the hurting people of Honduras by: 1) feeding hungry children; 2) providing schooling for children; 3) providing shelter & support to battered women; 4) bringing in medical missionaries to meet their medical needs; 5) providing wells to jungle areas. Supporters can designate their funds to any of these areas. For a donation of $20/month you can feed a child, send a child to school of pay for shelter for a woman in need. Helping us find medical or other types of missionaries to visit Honduras can help change the lives of hundreds of people.
All-Pro Pastors International – Allpropastors.org
Jesus said, “I have given them the glory You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one and that they may be perfectly united, so that the world may know that You sent Me and have loved them just as You have loved Me. – John 17:22
Pastors are in a unique leadership position to change the world for Christ, but they too need help and encouragement to keep up the good fight. Unfortunately, pastors are hurting, burned out, and seeing their marriage become nothing more than a charade because their pastoral position makes it virtually impossible to receive help. All Pro-Pastors was established to be the sacred trust for pastors who are willing to help each other find rejuvenating strength for their own ministry and family by bringing pastors together for weekly fellowship, restoration, and friendship at a Champions Table. All-Pro Pastors has Champions Tables meeting all over the world and they also offers personal counseling and work shops to pastors and their staff. When pastors really learn to not just love one another, but like each other, we are seeing communities come together as never before as the body really does become one even across denominational lines. The sincerity of relationships among the pastors really does determine the ability of the church to reach a community and revive the world. It is the vision of All-Pro pastors that when pastors minister out of abundance and love each other unconditionally, the world can finally see the love of Christ. One All-Pro Pastors group has even started an orphanage in Sierre Leone, Africa.
Joshuacord.org – Persecuted But Not Forgotten
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10
Joshuacord.org is a non-profit organization that has not forgotten about those who are being persecuted for their Christian faith. Unfortunately, more than 150,000 Christians are persecuted every year. Even when Christians are not killed or put in jail, they often loose their jobs and are unable to provide for their family. Joshuacord has also nearly completed a documentary film called, “Christians in the Mirror.” After 3 trips to the Middle East and Africa, the film accurately details the inexplicable suffering and desperation of the persecuted Christians and how they are living courageously through it by exhibiting love, faith, and hope in the midst of death, torture, and tragedy. This is contrasted against the “good life” that most of us have that begs us to ask the question, “Now that we know, how can we help?” You can support Joshuacord and help persecuted Christians by praying, volunteering, participating in the Joshua 1:9 Freedom 5k in November or by donating.
“Give Em Heaven Ministries” – Facebook
“When did we see You sick or in prison and visit You?’ And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’ – Matthew 25 39 & 40
“Give Em Heaven” is a prison ministry to boys in Tampa Bay area. The ministry was was founded by Big Joe Pottle, who was a preachers kid gone wrong until he met the Lord in an extra-ordinary way. Since that time God has led Big Joe to the youth who are most at risk. For over 13 years, Big Joe has been doing church in prison, discipling youth on a daily basis and baptizing an astonishing 100 boys per year. Because of his obvious calling, Big Joe was ordained by Bell Shoals Baptist church in what was to be one of the shortest deliberations in history. Big Joe could use some help in the form of volunteers, networking with other youth groups, supplies and donations.
Lifecarenetwork.net – A Network for Life, Care & Hope
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
LifeCare’s mission is to protect the sanctity of human life and promote God’s plan for marriage and the family. LifeCare had been serving the Brandon and South Shore areas since 2012. Through compassionate care, education, counseling, practical support, and community networking, we provide support to teens, women, couples and families who are facing the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy. They also offer hope and healing to those suffering from the heartbreak of a past abortion. Their other website is called choiceswomenscenter.comand it helps them reach woman who are actively searching to get an abortion. They also provide free pregnancy tests and an ultrasound screening in order to introduce them to their unborn baby. At every stage LifeCare attempts to educate women about their choices of abortion, parenting and adoption. If a woman finds her way to a local pregnancy center first, she is likely to choose life 80% of the time, but if her first stop is an abortion clinic, she will choose abortion 80% of the time. No matter what the situation, LifeCare supports and counsels women who are in need of emotional, spiritual, physical and parenting support. LifeCare desperately needs prayers, volunteers, supplies, clothes and finances.
In Luke 15, Jesus tells the Parable of the Lost Sheep, where the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to go after the one who is lost, so that he might be saved.
Revive Florida is part of TimeToRevive.com, which is a national drive to gather churches and lead them out in the streets witnessing for Christ. Unless people meet Jesus, our cities and nation cannot be transformed. This has already occurred in over 15 states since 2007, with staggering results. Revive Florida is not just bringing 100’s of churches together, but they are actively equipping the saints to share the Gospel in very simple and yet bold ways. When 20,000 plus Christians are out of their buildings and sharing the gospel, lives and communities start to change. We believe that when the Church starts living and declaring the pure message of the Gospel in unity, a city, and even a nation can be revived for His glory. (John 17:23) Support ReviveFlorida.org because the world needs to see how we love each other and how we love them enough to actually come talk to them about Jesus. To be a part, tell your pastor, donate your time, donate your funds and join the movement at ReviveFlorida.org.